
Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I have hell lot of reasons to hate summer, the major one of course the usual girly thingy.I get tanned during summer, basically being a person with an extra lump of melanin in skin (though I still look good), summer on the whole gives me an African look.

I always hated sunny days right from school. Being a k.v student , we unfortunate souls used to have class when rest of the kids used to have summer holidays. Kendriya vidyalaya had a weird system where after the results are out, we have to attend 1 month session and appear for 1st unit test in the new class. Ohh god!!! Hw worse!! . in the hot burning sun, with heavy load on the back, have to board 2 buses and then reach school. You feel so yucky all time with sweat running in the body. I do really hate summer.

My super cool bro have this habit of comparing his skin tone with mine, this low melanin content runs down the family lane, within which he has kept a scale.

This time when I came from bengaluru, my bro was in cloud 9, to see me all swollen. The green city is no more green, burning like an oven, then imagine a place like palakkad, its now the “hot bowl of kerala”. You can fry omelette on terrace now.

All the water sources have dried up, there are now rocks in place of “bharatha puzha”.

The heat has even made people crazy. Few incidents in and around actually left me ROFLMAO!! my neighbour got drunk, and broke the aquarium in his house with bare feet because his spouse didn’t change the water, and ended up with 3 stitches in his feet. How dumb!! A household not faraway burned their plants and then claimed for compensation from the state, stating the plants got sun-burned. People have almost gone lunatic. In a way cant blame them, this heat has made everyone lethargic and frustoo that they end up doing crazy tactics.

A large number of small juice and ice points have popped up near roadside, and people flock around now and then for life. Piles of water melon on nook and corner, seasonal flavour “mangoes” are now a common site. I prefer to enjoy the flavour and then sleep the entire day.

Thriving for drops of hope, So is life built on hopes.


I have always wondered, how do people fall in love? I see my friends talking hours on phone .god knows what they talk. But experienced ones says it s a wonderful feeling. Everybody wants somebody who cares and longs for them.

There are certain feelings which cannot be expressed but just felt. it feels really great to have someone who just calls you everyday, and ask you? So did u have your break fast?

Who just sees only you? This is the feminine part of love. Where possessiveness comes.

More over the jealousy that follows is really funny as a third person’s point of view.

I still remember the dialogue in from the movie “my best friends wedding”

“It’s amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy”.

I still remember my college days. Me and my rommie and once soul partner used to have wonderful time teasing the couples. And we used to wonder what will be our reaction when some one actually will propose us. It was like the last possible thing which will happen. To her astonishment she got proposed finally in final year by her childhood friend.

It’s when I understood “love is just a wonderful feeling” .In her case, she is committed to a guy whom she new her entire life. Sometimes the person is nearby and you never realize it.

Believe me I used to feel “love is just a misunderstanding between two fools”.

I have seen more shrunken relationships, but the very few wonderful relations around have made me realize the purity of the relation.

Love makes life beautiful. When you are in love there is happiness around, an unknown force takes a control over you. You feel like dressing up, spending hours and hours in front of mirror till you are satisfied. There is a spark in the eyes and a smile on your face. It’s such a wonderful feeling. You feel you are floating in the clouds.

Sometimes I do feel “it would have been great even I had someone”. But life is not just being in relationships when you have to make a career. Especially the faith the parents have in you is so tremendous even a little infatuation makes you feel guilty.

I have been seeing my own parents from infant hood. There are so wealthy in case of understanding and caring. So it’s seriously not necessary to fall in love before marriage to have a beautiful relation. It’s basically how you are. And life is so unpredictable.

As there is a saying “your life is actually written according to the deeds you do in your entire life”.