
Thursday, July 16, 2009

monsoons.. i just love it!!!

What is it about monsoons that I like a lot? It’s just a simple answer. Everything .yeah. Everything. People just hate it because of the slimy way the things get.

I guess its d moms that hates monsoon more than anyone. The whole trouble of washing the uniforms and socks, and if it’s white the work is more. I myself have a cool dude in my house who goes out in white and come back in muddy brown. In his words” you won’t believe what fun we had on the field, my goal was the best, I just dived through the puddle and it was just awesome, you should have seen the expression of the guys, dumbstruck”. The commentary is now paused with the sudden entry of my mom. And now the mood changes, and become quite rebellious and then later on the promises, that it will never happen again. But promises are always made to be broken. That’s the way it goes on with a school kid.

But I always enjoyed rain from school days. A sudden rush in adrenaline, the bus journey that mostly everybody loathe, I just simply enjoy and if you get the window seat that adds to the fun. And the best part of it is the number of free hours you get in school, that when teachers get sick.

Let me just take another normal routine like visiting a temple during heavy downpour. The whole floor is dirty and you get back finding your footwear in a pathetic state. Then with the little pricking stones underneath your foot you wear it. The whole feeling is just so sad. But let me just give a twist to the same story.
It’s around 6:30 in the evening, and a sudden splash of rain. you just take your umbrella and just simply move out of the house, you step into the road, a sudden flow of water, like a mini river, half of you is already wet now, you just move on, the river becomes more thick, now you are totally drenched , just the throw the damn umbrella!! I guess it has served its purpose, now just go ahead without it, yeah now you reach the temple, just a few heads in there and you see the deity amidst all the lights and you have a valid point to put on before praying, c’mon!! I made it up in spite of this damn rain!! So at least this time please…and believe me the feeling is heavenly.

It’s more of a fun, when you are on your way somewhere and it rains. Recently I just happen to go to a restaurant with my cousin. It was classy one, but the crowd was meager. Then it rained!! There were just a whole lot of people who rushed into the restaurant. The very first thing that came into my mind “people become hungry when it rains!!. I know it’s kinda dumb, but the overflow of people was all of sudden and this waiter came and said “mam! Can you just sit on one side? Sorry for the trouble, but there is a sudden rush” and we did and indeed did people come and sat opposite to us. When the waiter came, the answer was” it’s the rain, you know the monsoons, unpredictable, and we will get out soon”. The waiter just blinked and we were like LOL!!

There is this weight loosing thing! That has got into me after reaching bengaluru. Most of the girls there are smoking hot. Almost everybody who sees me starts with “why don’t you loose some pounds”. So since I crash landed up there I have been walking a lot. I mean going for this evening walk. So even after coming here at home, I continued my walking. The monsoon did stop me for first two days, but I get these nightmares like “me blotting up and people just failing to recognize me when I get back”. Whatever. So I and dad go a walk in the evenings. Its fun , lot of politics around and we end up arguing at the end of THE WALK. We predict the rains by seeing the density of clouds and also the darkness of it. I know its kinda weird, but I guess that’s how its usually done. And then decide how much distance to cover. And btw there are no hotels around where you can run into, when it rains just long and vast strips of fields. When it rains, you are doomed.

So what I really wanted to say is its fun, there is lot of freshness around, new buds, blossoms, tendrils. The overflowing rivers, the green trees, with little droplets of water falling down from the leaves, the cloudy mountains ,make the monsoons so waiting. So just feel the rain, let it wash of all the weariness and burden in your heart. Someone has truly said “best thing one can do when it rains is to let it rain”


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good work divs.. havnt read the remaining two. Very well done for a starter.. or in our terms, FRESHER :)
